94% level 408 answers

We greet you! You are in the right place, where you will find all the answers to the game 94%. This page will help you find 94% level 408 answers, cheats and solutions very quickly. In this game, each level contains three sublevels, one of which is a question of the picture. At each level, you need to search for the right words or synonyms to collect the right amount of answers.

Sometimes the levels in the game go in different order, so the 408 level for one player may not coincide with the 408 level of the other player. In this case, we recommend that you go to the main page and find the answer you need. If during the game you can not find the right words, use the 94 percent level 408 answers and add this page to your favorites.

94 percent level 408 solutions

94% Packed lunch answers
Sandwich, Sandwhich, Sandwiches, Sandwitch, Pb&j, Pb and j, Peanut butter and jelly, Sandwhiches, Ham and cheese, Ham sandwich, Turkey sandwich
Fruit, Apple, Banana, Fruits, Apples, Grapes, Orange, Apple slices
Chips, Crisps, Crisp, Chip
Juice, Juice box, Juicebox, Caprisun, Apple juice, Jucie box
Cookie, Cookies, Biscuit, Biscuits
Yogurt, Yoghurt, Yougurt, Yogart, Youghurt, Yogurts

Lunch box, Lunchbox, Box

94% Something a germaphobe wouldn't like to do answers
Shake hands, Hold hands, Handshake, Shake hand
Public bathroom, Public toilet, Public toilets, Use public bathroom, Use public restroom, Touch a toilet seat, Use a public restroom, Use a public bathroom, Go into a public restroom
Share food, Share drinks, Share, Share drink, Share a drink

Open doors, Open door, Door knobs, Open a door, Touch a doorknob, Touch door handle, Touch doorknobs

94% level 408 image answers

94% level 408 image answers
Plane, Airplane, Jet, Aeroplane
Runway, Tarmac, Run way
Takeoff, Take off, Landing, Land
Fly, Flight, Flying

Travel, Holiday, Vacation, Trip

The game notes in the game can be changed in the next update, which means you can play the old version. In this case, just install the new version of the game 94%.

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